-The Times of India Chief Justice of India (CJI) SH Kapadia on Saturday said the Supreme Court might have overstretched the human rights jurisprudence to include right to sleep in the bouquet of fundamental rights, as enforcing such a right would be very difficult. The CJI, who was delivering a lecture, also seemed critical of the civil society activists for questioning the authority of Parliament to make laws and by draping themselves...
‘Bad roads, lack of transport at night force Jharkhand women to deliver at home’ -Bindu Shajan Perappadan
-The Hindu One in five women who die during childbirth globally belong to India: WHO Bad roads, poor connectivity and unavailability of transport at night continue to force more than one- third of pregnant women in Jharkhand to deliver at home. “More than 80 per cent of these women who deliver at home are unable to arrange for transport to reach a healthcare facility,” noted a study, conducted by Public Health Foundation of...
More »Red flag in front of FDI in pharma too-Pranab Dhal Samanta
-The Indian Express At a time when the government is struggling to get past objections from its coalition partners to attract investment in certain sectors such as retail, aviation and pensions fund management, a grim internecine ministerial battle has applied the brakes on foreign direct investment flow into one of the more attractive and lucrative sectors — pharmaceuticals. Clearances for over Rs 1,000 crore FDI in this sector, the second largest in...
More »Judicial probe into riots
-The Telegraph Guwahati/ Kokrajhar/ Dhubri: Chief minister Tarun Gogoi today announced a judicial inquiry into the riots that began in Kokrajhar on July 20, leaving 77 dead and over four lakh displaced. The judicial probe will be over and above the inquiry to be conducted by the CBI, which has taken over seven cases on their own, Gogoi added. He, however, did not announce details of who will conduct the probe or its...
More »Anna comes down to earth-TK Arun
-The Times of India A middleclass dream that politics can be redeemed by means other than politics has just ended, with Team Anna’s decision to launch a political party and join the fray. Many of his ardent supporters and well-wishers have registered deep disappointment. Anna is becoming part of the problem, they cry. The problem was with the hope that gods out of the machine can serve up deliverance on a...
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