Pressing ahead with their demand for amendment in the Hindu Marriage Act, the Sarv Khap Mahapanchayat on Sunday resolved to slap a token fine of "ek aana" (currency unit formerly used in India) on MPs and MLAs if they failed to meet its demand by June 19. In a meeting held in Jind, which was attended by around 2,000 representatives of khap panchayats, they also ruled out establishing any matrimonial...
PCI still awaiting panel report on “paid news”
The Press Council of India (PCI) is still awaiting the report of its sub-committee which is going into the issue of what is “paid news” and what is an advertisement. It would study the report and later forward its opinion to the Election Commission which is enquiring into a complaint against Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan on the controversy. PCI Chairman Justice G.N. Ray told The Hindu on Thursday that since...
More »Prabhash Joshi and the RTI Movement by Aruna Roy, Nikhil Dey, Shankar Singh
TRIBUTE On May 5 it will be six months since Prabhat Joshi left us. Remembering that towering figure in the field of journalism on this occasion, we are carrying the following tribute which brings out yet another facet of his personality. It was written quite sometime ago but could not be published earlier due to unavoidable reasons. Prabhash Joshi was one of the most important journalists and thinkers of our times. He...
More »Peasants in India by D Bandyopadhyay
In India peasantry is under assault. There is a five-pronged attack on this class and the mighty Indian state is sometimes an active and sometimes a passive abettor. The first point of attack is from the corporate sector. The corporate sector is in a land grab mode. Though not justified, one could understand their urge to get land for industry and real estate purposes. Not that they are causing aggressive...
More »In India, Sometimes News Is Just a Product Placement by Akash Kapur
A businessman I know was approached by representatives of a leading Indian national newspaper and offered a deal: Give us a stake in your company, and we’ll give you advertising space and favorable editorial coverage. A publisher told me that she received a similar proposition: Pay us, and we’ll interview your authors and write features about them. Sushma Swaraj, the parliamentary leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party, has said that...
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