-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Thursday stressed the need for a new law to regulate Social Media to curb malicious and defamatory messages circulated online. Expressing concern over misuse of Social Media and internet, particularly after the controversial section 66A of the Information Technology Act was scrapped by the Supreme Court, a bench of Justices Dipak Misra and Prafulla C Pant said Parliament should bring a new...
The Public Education System and What the Costs Imply -Kiran Bhatty, Anuradha De, and Rathin Roy
-Economic and Political Weekly There are basic methodological and conceptual problems with recent research that ends up arguing that private school education is more effective than public education. Such findings have obvious policy implications but it is critical that research that informs policy is based on a correct reading of facts, keeping the larger vision of education in mind. Recent research into the cost effectiveness of public education vis-à-vis private education concludes...
More »Social justice on Social Media? -Amulya Gopalakrishnan
-The Times of India In recent months, racial violence has been foregrounded in the US, with the Charleston incident in which nine black church-goers were gunned down and other incidents of police brutality that are no longer possible to deny. And all of a sudden, Black Twitter has become a preoccupation with the US media, reminding it of its own evasions. Hashtags around race like #icantbreathe #Blacklivesmatter found their way into many...
More »Clean fuel usage depends on socio-economic factors
Did anyone ever tell you that there exists rural-urban, class as well as caste gap in households’ access to clean fuel for cooking and lighting? This has been revealed by a new report from the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO). (Please see the links below). The NSS 68th round report entitled Energy Sources of Indian Households for Cooking and Lighting has found that more than two-third of urban households used...
More »Video Volunteers
Video Volunteers identifies, trains and empowers grassroots media producers who create change in and for voiceless communities in the developing world. With more than 170 community producers working full-time with salaries, VV is one of the largest social change media networks in the world. Our network is spread across 103 districts in 18 States in India. More than 3000 videos on topics like child marriage, temple prostitution, insurgent conflict, atrocities...
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