-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Tuesday expressed its displeasure at the Gujarat government filing a “spurious” criminal case against social activist Teesta Setalvad for her alleged role in exhuming the bodies of post-Godhra riot victims in 2006 at Pandarwada, and extended the stay of the proceedings against her pending before a lower court. Presiding over a Bench, Justice Aftab Alam asked senior counsel Pradeep Ghosh to go through the FIR dispassionately...
CBI chief’s wisdom: If king immoral, so will be subjects
-The Indian Express CBI director Amar Pratap Singh declared today that “if the king is immoral, so will be his subjects”, and sought “ethics in governance” while addressing an Interpol anti-corruption programme. In a hint at scams involving ministers, Singh said: “I am prompted to recall a famous verse from ancient Indian scriptures, which says ‘Yatha raja tatha praja’.” Singh said $ 500 billion (nearly Rs 24 lakh crore) had been stashed away...
More »What the Amicus really told the Supreme Court: Prosecute Modi! by Ashish Khetan
In the past week the media has been reporting that the SIT has filed a closure report that gives a “clean chit” to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on the grounds that there is no prosecutable evidence against him. However, Tehelka has now scooped amicus curiae Raju Ramachandran’s explosive confidential report that had told the Supreme Court that Modi should be chargesheeted and prosecuted for serious criminal offences like promoting religious...
More »SIT shielding Modi from prosecution: Ex-DGP
-PTI Former Gujarat DGP, RB Sreekumar on Thursday slammed the Supreme Court-appointed special investigation team (SIT) for allegedly taking a pro-Narendra Modi line in the probe into the 2002 riots cases, to shield him from the prosecution. In an open letter to the people, Sreekumar, who headed the State Intelligence Bureau (SIB) during the riots period, has also made public his first statement before the SIT in May 2008. He had then talked...
More »Home Ministry shoots down pleas to prosecute killer soldiers by Praveen Swami
Even as Supreme Court says murderers in uniform not protected by AFSPA, Delhi rejects findings of police investigations against Army In the past four years alone, the Home Ministry has rejected at least 42 requests to sanction the prosecution of military personnel found by the police to have engaged in crimes such as murder, homicide and rape in Kashmir, data obtained by The Hindu reveal. Last week, two Supreme Court judges said...
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