-The Indian Express Six people died during the farmer protests in Mandsaur, MP, after which the government announced Rs 1 crore to each of the families. The Indian Express visits their homes to hear their stories — from a new-born who will never see her father to an aunt who asks: “Will we get the money? When?” How money reached them When five protesters died on June 6 in alleged police firing...
Bleeding banks need more than a bandage -Shachi Singh
-GoI Monitor The NPAs have risen to Rs 10 lakh crore and farm loans make a very small portion of it. Will the recent RBI actions help? THE RESERVE Bank of India (RBI) has decided to act against 12 big corporates responsible for 25 per cent of the Rs 10 lakh-crore non-performing assets (NPAs) in indian banks. However, despite Supreme Court's order in 2015, the RBI has refused to make the list...
More »The invisible women farmers -Mrinal Pande
-The Indian Express Agriculture cannot survive without them. But they are invisible in the current conversation on the agrarian crisis An ex-company executive-cum-economist turns to the anchor during a discussion on the farmers’ agitation. “Overpopulation is destroying the farming activity. There are simply too many mouths to feed and the farms are shrinking. We must look to the urban areas for creating new jobs,” he says. The man at the local paan...
More »India Owes a Debt to Its Farmers -Yogendra Yadav
-TheWire.in The Indian farmer is not just a poor, helpless victim who deserves a waiver because he cannot pay. The root cause of the debt trap is that his income has not increased with rising expenditure due to state policies. As Punjab joins the list of states to declare farm loan waivers, the political scales are now heavily tilted in favour of this idea. The government of Telangana, followed by Andhra Pradesh,...
More »Yogendra Yadav, convenor of Swaraj Party, interviewed by Archana Mishra (GovernanceNow.com)
-GovernanceNow.com As farmers protests take centre stage across the country, Swaraj Party convenor explains the ecological, economic and existential crisis behind this unrest. * We have recently seen farmers from Tamil Nadu protesting in the national capital. Then Maharashtra farmers protested, deciding not to send their produce to cities. The agitation has now reached Madhya Pradesh, leading to killings. Why there is sudden farmers’ unrest in the country? I think we...
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