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Will the tiger get back its territory?-Ananda Banerjee

-Live Mint Despite a directive, and later a final warning from the Supreme Court, some states are yet to notify core areas that include tiger breeding grounds The Supreme Court will on Wednesday assess whether state governments have complied with its order to notify core and buffer areas of tiger reserves in line with the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, after banning organized tourism in breeding grounds of the big cats...

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Resurgent agricultural sector to have larger share in economy-Vinay Pandey

-The Economic Times A change in the national accounts, slated to take place sometime in the next two years, will show that a resurgent farm sector is now the second biggest contributor to the economy, displacing manufacturing and financial services. The unexpected reversal is not just a statistical artefact. Instead it is an outcome of a change in the terms of trade, the price of agricultural produce compared to industrial output since...

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Trains to northeast arrive filled with 'refugees' in their own homeland

-The HIndustan Times The images bore an uncanny resemblance to Partition snap-shots. Trains packed with people barely able to find standing room, ferrying refugees in their own land.  Even the overflowing toilets were choc-a-bloc with panicky residents of the North-East. Everyone fleeing an unknown enemy, everyone desperate to get back to the security of their own homes. Two trains from Bengaluru chugged into Howrah station on Friday carrying thousands of passengers en route...

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Sowing of paddy picks up -Gargi Parsai

-The Hindu Sowing of kharif paddy has improved thanks to rain in some parts of the deficient areas, but it is still lower by 11.40 lakh hectares as compared to last year. If compared with last year’s sowing — a record foodgrains production year — at this time of the year, the area under paddy, pulses, coarse cereals, oilseeds and cotton is still lower. An inter-Ministerial group that reviewed the situation on Friday...

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CPI Demands Changes in Food Security Bill

-PTI Lashing at UPA government for coming out with "lopsided" Food security bill, CPI today said the policy of Above Poverty Line (APL) and Below Poverty Line (BPL) should be done away with and every citizens should be given equal priced foodgrains. "We are protesting against the central government for coming up with a lopsided Food security bill. CPI opposes such a bill," CPI Secretary, Jammu Regional Council, Dr G S Charak...

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