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ISMA raises sugar output estimate by 4% to 26 mn tonnes due to good monsoon -Dilip Kumar Jha

-Business Standard Mills' body alarmed at likely fall in price; ask govt to negotiate for export to neighbouring countries Mumbai: With a sharp INCrease in output in the first three months of the current cane crushing season, the Indian Sugar Mills Association (Isma) has raised the country's production forecast by four per cent or one million tonnes to 26.1 mt for 2017-18 (October-September).   It has also begun lobbying with the government on early...

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Mamta Singh, Inspector-General of Police (Crime against Women) in Haryana, interviewed by Chitleen K Sethi ( IGP Mamta Singh says sINCe most rapists are known to victims, the problem seems to be that women and their families have ‘too much faith’ in men around them. Chandigarh: Haryana has witnessed nine cases of rape in the past one week alone, raising serious questions about the competence of the police, their sensitivity to such crimes and the larger issue of the INCreased targeting of women in a state known...

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Too many potatoes on Uttar Pradesh's plate -Maulshree Seth

-The Indian Express Behind dumping of potatoes, INCluding outside Assembly, a bumper crop and insufficient storage space. Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh, the largest potato producing state with about 35% of the country’s total output, has had a bumper crop in 2016-17 — over 155 lakh tonnes — with the result that potatoes are rotting along roadsides and outside cold storage units. What threw the spotlight on the surplus — apparently more than the government...

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Budget 2018: Can Centre allay farmers' concerns over price crash, low market density? -Jitendra

-Down to Earth The average agricultural growth has reached its lowest in the last four years to 1.9 per cent While presenting Union Budget 2017-18, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley gave much emphasis on farmers. He even announced an INCreased budget outlay for agriculture, which made media houses declare it as a budget for rural India. Soon, the dust settled down and reality came to the surface. The budget was INCreased by...

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Bhavantar scheme to figure in central budget but FM should visit MP first: Yogendra Yadav -Ranjan

-Hindustan Times Swaraj India national president Yogendra Yadav says the central government is considering imposing Bhavantar scheme meant for farmers on the entire country and this is about to figure in the Central budget Bhopal: Swaraj India national president Yogendra Yadav said here on Thursday the central government was considering imposing Bhavantar scheme meant for farmers on the entire country and this was about to figure in the Central budget during...

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