-IndiaSpend.com Bengaluru: In the aftermath of the COVID-19 epidemic and two months of stringent lockdown, India now faces the crises of unemployment and business closure, particularly in the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSMEs) sector. A new report by the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) and the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) has proposed that MSME recovery can be speeded along by: * Identifying micro, small and...
What the New Govt Report Says About ‘India’s Climate Change’ This Century -Kabir Agarwal
-TheWire.in New Delhi: India just got its first comprehensive climate change assessment report and it doesn’t make for happy reading. The average surface air temperature in the country is expected to rise by 4.4º C by the end of the century if little is done to curb global carbon dioxide emissions. Even if emissions do fall – moderately – in the next few decades, temperatures in India could still rise by an...
More »Climate report predicts hotter, rainier days -Jacob Koshy
-The Hindu Forecasting model from IITM, Pune, says heat waves likely to be three or four times higher India’s first ever national forecast on the impact of global warming on the subcontinent in the coming century, expects annual rainfall to increase, along with more severe cyclones and — paradoxically — more droughts. These projections, based on a climate forecasting model developed at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, will be part...
More »Locked up during lockdown -Smita Chakraburtty
-The Telegraph Unlike our lives in this period, a prisoner’s life is ruled by distrust, unfamiliarity, uncertainty and little hope for a better future India has been in a lockdown for more than a 100 days, which has confined many people to their homes for the longest period they can remember. Some are working from home while others have lost their jobs and been thrown into economic uncertainty. Many people are comparing...
More »Relief arrives in remote Amphan-hit Sundarbans -Shiv Sahay Singh
-The Hindu The rush to deliver essential supplies reveals unusual vignettes from isolated yet unforgotten islands of the archipelago Kumirmari (Sunderbans): Nearly a month after cyclone Amphan battered the Sunderbans, the archipelago appeared to be healing — its clay embankments were being repaired and connectivity had been restored. But a visit to one of its most isolated areas, which has braved the cyclone and lockdown, threw up interesting sights. Please click here to...
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