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Suicide belt Vidarbha to be Davos of farmers-Kumar Chellappan

-DNA Vidarbha, hitherto associated with farmers’ suicide, has found place in the global map for an entirely different and refreshing reason. The region will host an annual WorldAgriculture Forum from 2012 onwards to address global agrarian crisis. This was announced by Prof MS Swaminathan, agricultural scientist, on Sunday at the end of the three-day Chennai Conclave of the Ramon Magsaysay Award winners. “More than 335 farmers from Vidarbha region have committed suicide...

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Rural India in Abject poverty

-Jagran Post In a startling disclosure, the government survey on income and expenditure has revealed that half of the rural population of the country is living in abject poverty. According to the survey, about 60 percent of India's rural population lives on less than Rs 35 a day. A similar situation prevails in underdeveloped countries like Africa. This indicates that our policies are confined to certain areas only. Do our policy...

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Farmers transforming traditional agriculture with modern technology and desi jugaad-Sudipto Mundle

The chattering classes of urban India are engaged in animated discussions about Didi, scams, policy paralysis , faltering reforms and declining growth. Meanwhile, the farming classes, who haven't seen much reform since the Green Revolution 50 years ago, continue to combine bits of modern technology with their ingenious capacity for 'jugaad' in transforming traditional agriculture. Here are a few examples. The tractor displaced the bullock in ploughing and other farm operations....

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Minimum wage to maternity leave: Domestic help policy almost home-Manoj CG

The first-ever national policy for domestic workers is all set to go to the Cabinet for its approval, entitling them to minimum wages, defined work hours, paid annual and sick leave and maternity benefits. The thrust of the policy is to bring domestic workers under the purview of existing labour laws, which would help them avail all the rights and protection available to other workers. According to official estimates, India has...

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Shootout On Fleet Street -Saba Naqvi, Smruti Koppikar, Anuradha Raman

Alarmed by its proactive role, the three ‘pillars’ of our democracy set out to weaken the fourth estate Fundamentalisms do not necessarily announce their arrival by banging a hammer on our heads. Freedoms are often lost in little steps. The process creeps in quietly but insidiously. The path is often complex and defies a simple narrative. But here’s a straightforward fact: a concerted attempt is being made to censor, control...

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