Total Matching Records found : 8174

India has shortfall of 2.6 million health workers, says report by Malia Politzer

India, which holds the dubious distinction of the highest death rate for children under five and the highest maternal deaths in the world, also has a shortfall of 2.6 million health workers, a report said on Tuesday. The report by Save the Children India said that at 900,000 a year, India has the largest number of newborn deaths and is among five countries that account for more than half of the...

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Dalits, Muslims smell a rat in Congress move

-DNA   The proposed Prevention of Communal and Violence Bill is being pushed with an objective to check communal violence across the country. But the Dalits and minorities, who are often soft targets of communal violence, are sceptical about the Bill. They are wondering if it is a ploy to polarise the system instead of tackling the root cause that triggers unrest in the society. “I have apprehensions that the Bill would make...

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Battle against deadly lifestyle diseases figures high on UN agenda next week

-The United Nations   The United Nations is set to launch an all-out attack next week on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), bringing together dozens of heads of State to promote the lifestyle changes needed to curb the soaring toll of a scourge that already causes over 63 per cent of all the world’s deaths. The high level General Assembly meeting, held at the start of its annual General Debate on Monday and Tuesday, is...

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In China's battle against newborn deaths, lessons for India by Ananth Krishnan

China has reduced deaths among newborn babies by almost two-thirds in little over a decade — an unprecedented success rate that a new study says holds lessons for countries like India still struggling with high neonatal and maternal mortality rates. Deaths among newborn babies fell from 24.7 per 1,000 in 1996 to 9.3 in 2008 — a 62-per-cent decrease — according to a paper published in The Lancet medical journal on...

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No TDS on compensation for farmland, clarifies government by Devika Banerji & Deepshikha Sikarwar

Farmers will not have to cough up any tax upfront on the compensation money they receive for their land acquired by the government. The rural development ministry has clarified after complaints that in absence of clear rules the harshest provisions were being imposed. "We have issued orders that all compensation money for agricultural land acquisitions in both urban and rural areas should be made without any deductions," said an official in...

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