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GEAC sub-panel has experts relevant to safety of GM crops: MoEF

-The Hindu Business Line NEW DELHI: The Ministry ?of Environment and Forest (MoEF) ?has allayed concerns cited by environmentalists that the GEAC sub-committee that studied the bio-safety of GM (genetically modified) mustard did not have any ‘health expert’ on board?.? In a statement issued on Sunday, the ?Ministry clarified that the panel “had experts in subjects relevant to safety evaluation of GE (genetically-engineered) crops. “The GEAC in its 126th meeting held on 04.01.2016,...

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Unspent Money For Dalits/Tribals, $42.6 Billion = 8 Times Agri Budget -Nikhil M Babu It was raining heavily last monsoon when Heerabai’s youngest child, Seshkumari, 4, collapsed with a fever. The family could only watch helplessly as her temperature soared and she turned delirious late night. The nearest primary health centre for Pachkol, Heerabai’s village in Chhindwara district in south-west Madhya Pradesh, is 25 km away. And every monsoon, the swollen Bhagbhel river floods the road linking the village to the health centre. If you...

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A blow for the right to knowledge -Lawrence Liang

-The Hindu The Delhi High Court has restored to copyright jurisprudence a clear mandate for the future — one which recognises that the end goal of technology is the improvement of our lives In its much awaited judgment in the Delhi University photocopying case (The Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford v. Rameshwari Photocopy Services), the Delhi High Court has dismissed the copyright infringement petition initiated in August 2012...

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Victory for Students and Access to Knowledge in DU Copyright Case: ASEAK

-Kafila Guest Statement by Association of Students for Equitable Access to Knowledge (ASEAK) Victory for Students and Access to Knowledge in DU Copyright Case: Corporate Publishers Market ends at the gates of the University In a rare and incredible order today, the Delhi High Court has dismissed the copyright infringement case filed by Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press and Taylor and Francis (Routledge) against Rameshwari Photocopy Shop in Delhi School of Economics...

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Technology glitches deprives many from PDS ration in Jharkhand -Jaideep Deogharia

-The Times of India RANCHI: Charo Oraon, 66 of Hurhuru village under Ratu block of Ranchi district has not been able to procure ration from the public distribution shop since June 2016-the reason-earlier he was not enrolled with the unique identification authority (Aadhar) and it was made mandatory by the state government to have Aadhar number for procuring ration. Off late he got his Aadhar registration by August but still is denied...

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