-The Times of India A parliamentary panel has recommended that government keep away from land purchase for private parties, contrary to the provision made in the pending land acquisition bill, striking at the heart of the Centre's plan to facilitate acquisition for industry and townships with better compensation. The standing committee's blanket bar on acquisition for private bodies, including Public Private Partnership for projects defined as public purpose, strikes down the clause...
NRHM scam: Note ‘implicates’ Mayawati
-The Times of India Fingers are now being pointed at former chief minister Mayawati and her favourite babu Shashank Shekhar Singh for the role they might have played in the National rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam. And the basis for this is a government order issued by Mayawati herself on May 31, 2007, 18 days after becoming chief minister. Although the BSP on Wednesday denied any role of its supremo in the...
More »Country's first zero waste toilet system at Evoor
-The Hindu Costing Rs.37, 000 with DRDA grant of Rs.9, 000 The first ‘zero waste toilet system' (ZWTS) in the country was inaugurated at Evoor village near Musiri on Thursday by Collector Jayashree Muralidharan. This is an integrated urine diversion biogas linked flush toilet system and has five modules-a flush out toilet, a bathroom, a urine diversion bowl, a cultivated wetland for treating bathroom water, and a biogas plant. The Collector said that the...
More »Drought-hit villagers pour into Mumbai; shun low NREGS wages-Madhavi Rajadhyaksha
SANGLI/ SATARA: Open trailers packed with families and cattle have become a common sight along Maharashtra's highways - a telling sign of the distress the drought in 15 districts of the state has brought with it. Truckloads of villagers are migrating from the hinterland to cities like Mumbai, Pune and Kolhapur in desperate search for livelihood. While many officials deny the drought-driven migration, the absence of male heads in rural homes...
More »Just getting by
-The Economist UNDER a thatched roof, lit by a full, yellow moon, Shiv Kumari explains how she and her five children survive. She is a widow, 30 years old, living in a home made of packed mud. She works the nearby fields, draws a small pension, some food rations and gets a few days of paid labour each month from a rural make-work scheme. Semra village, made up of 70 households, most...
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