-The Times of India MHOW: Faced with problem of lean margins for their produce in local markets, farmers of Harsola and adjoining villages in Mhow tehisl came together and tied up with middleman outside the state to become most prominent suppliers of quality produce to Delhi and Gujarat. In less than three years, nondescript villages have become hub of cauliflower trading and are now famously called gobhi gaon. It is a tale...
A Reminder of the Bitter History of Modern Sugar -Venu Madhav Govindu
-TheWire.in While sugar in some form is essential for our survival, we do need to make a serious attempt to wean ourselves away from its industrial manufacture The recent spate of farmer suicides in Karnataka and Maharashtra is yet another episode in the endless crisis that grips agrarian India. But the woes of the sugarcane farmers in the Mandya and Marathwada regions can also be PLAced under the extremely long shadow cast...
More »Bonded labour in fresh avatar enters new sectors -Nagesh Prabhu
-The Hindu Study finds that bondage has spread from farm sector to fast-food chains, carpet-making units BENGALURU: The banned system of bonded labour, albeit with a new twist, still survives among us. About 7,646 people are forced to work in bondage in different districts of Karnataka, according to a report submitted by a committee constituted to study the prevalence of the practice in the State. The committee, headed by journalist Sivaji Ganesan, submitted...
More »Less than 20% of population under health insurance cover: Report -Sushmi Dey
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Despite liberalization of the insurance sector, only around 21.6 crore people - less than one-fifth of India's population - are covered under health insurance. Even among those who have some form of coverage, 67% are covered by public insurance companies, according to National Health Profile 2015, compiled by the Central Bureau of Health Intelligence. The report, which has a separate chapter on health financing, shows despite...
More »A flawed agenda for development -Ashish Kothari
-The Hindu Business Line A narrow focus on growth-led development is the cause of the world’s sustainability crisis, not its solution The world’s political leaders meet in New York today to adopt a ‘sustainable development’ agenda. On the face of it, this sounds very hopeful. It signals that finally, humanity may move towards making peace with the earth, even as it erases the shame of over two billion people still living in...
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