-The Telegraph The cash-starved panchayati raj ministry, which has been getting less than Rs 300 crore in the Union budget every year since its creation in 2004 to manage the 2.7 lakh panchayati raj institutions, is set to become richer by about Rs 1,000 crore this year. The Union ministry of rural development has decided to set aside one per cent of its allocation of Rs 99,000 crore to strengthen the panchayati...
Child marriages least likely in Delhi by Kounteya Sinha
Women in Delhi are least likely to get married before reaching the age of 18 while those in Jharkhand are most likely. India's Capital recorded the lowest percentage of women (0.5%) who got married before 18 years of age in 2010 followed by Haryana (0.7%) and Jammu & Kashmir (0.9%), according to the Registrar General of India's latest Sample Registration System (SRS) survey, submitted to the Union health ministry on Saturday. Jharkhand...
More »Let's dismantle the gallows forever-Rajindar Sachar
India has persisted in retaining the death penalty, notwithstanding the fact that 139 countries across the world have already abolished it while 150 others have put a moratorium on it. The United Nations passed a resolution on September 20, 2010, appealing to all nations to observe a moratorium on the death penalty if they are not agreeable to passing a legislation abolishing it. That formidable opposition to the death penalty seemed...
More »Adarsh housing scam: 2 IAS officers held, heat is up on 3 ex-CMs-Rajshri Mehta
The Central Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday arrested two senior bureaucrats-former Mumbai civic chief Jairaj Phatak and former Maharashtra information commissioner Ramanand Tiwari-in connection with the Adarsh housing society scam, taking the tally of people taken into custody to nine. The central agency has listed 14 people, including former chief minister Ashok Chavan, as accused in its first information report filed last January. Interrogations of two of the society's arrested promoters,...
More »Centre's new plan to delay fertiliser subsidy phaseout-Rituraj Tiwari & M Rajshekhar
UPA-II's plans to replace the existing fertiliser subsidy regime with direct cash transfers to farmers will be delayed as the fertiliser ministry is likely to scrap an intermediate phase where the subsidy was to be rerouted from companies to retailers this summer. This puts paid to the fertilizer industry's expectation that very soon it would be out of the subsidy mechanism which locks up precious working capital. "We are rethinking the original...
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