Four years after the pioneering Right to Information regime came into force in India, many hurdles remain in the way of a citizen accessing information. Just 27 people out of 100 get the information they ask for. And, even if an information commission rules in your favour, there is a 61% chance you won't get the information because the rulings are not complied with. These are some of the many...
Lack of transparency and debate in India-EU free trade agreement by Meena Menon
Seven rounds of trade talks between the EU and India have been concluded without any negotiating texts or positions of either party being made public. The widespread optimism about the possible signing of the India-European Union (EU) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) sometime in 2010 fails to take into account the many thorny issues that remain to be resolved. Not the least of them are the tariff negotiations on goods and...
More »Anger grows as drought, broken promises blight farmers’ hopes by Liz Mathew
A prolonged dry spell has left the epicentre of farmer suicides in crisis again Yavatmal: Recent rains have given Vidarbha a fresh look, but they have done little to ease the misery of thousands of farmers in these districts at the eastern edge of Maharashtra as they live with the reality of parched fields and mounting debt. As election fever grips the state, farmers in Yavatmal and nearby districts swear...
More »Look East policy comes of age by Sanjaya Baru
The Indo-Asean FTA provides an opportunity to be more engaged with the region This is an important week for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Over the weekend, at the Fourth East Asia Summit in Thailand, he will witness the final fruition of the second most important foreign policy initiative he took during his first term in office — the India-Asean Free Trade Agreement. This should ensure he will be in better...
More »Irom Sharmila’s Satyagraha completes nine years
Irom Chanu Sharmila, who continues her relentless fight against State LED violence using Gandhian values of non-violence, is about to complete nine years of hunger strike on November 4. She continued with her ‘fast unto death’ campaign for nine years against the Armed Forces Special Power Act which has been in force in Manipur under the garb of fighting the separatists. In order to keep her alive, she has been...
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