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RBI asks banks to extend loans to women SHGs at 7% rate

-PTI &NBSp; Mumbai: The RBI today asked banks to provide loans up to Rs 3 lakh at 7 per cent interest rate to Women Self-Help Group (SHG) under the National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM)-Aajeevika scheme during 2015-16. “All women SHGs will be eligible for interest subvention on credit up to Rs 3 lakhs at 7 per cent per annum. SHG availing capital subsidy under Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) in their...

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The media’s caste: How it’s to blame for Rohith Vemula’s death -Karthikeyan Damodaran

-Hindustan Times The whole society is culpable in Dalit scholar Rohith Vemula’s death but the focus should also be on why the media can be held responsible for this heart-wrenching case of suicide. Vemula wished to reach the stars and dreamt of becoming a Carl Sagan but became yet another victim of institutionalised discrimination based on caste. His death has turned into a livewire, sparking unseen levels of protest across India from...

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Fighting poverty: Rupa Devi's journey from a football player to FIFA qualified referee -Pheba Mathew Rupa Devi fell in love with the beautiful game. It was a strange quirk of fate, perhaps, that took Rupa Devi away from her first love: if she couldn’t play the game herself, she could at least be around people who did. Rupa Devi is the first woman referee from Tamil Nadu to be selected by FIFA. Rupa Devi fell in love with the beautiful game after she watched seniors in her...

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Begin with a rigorous study -Jasmine Shah & Gabriel Kreindler

-The Indian Express Delhi’s odd-even trial was brave, but policy needs good research at design stage. The trial period of the odd-even policy demonstrated a commendable willingness from the Delhi government to experiment with a policy option, and decide its future based on the evidence of impact, and acceptability from the residents of Delhi. Good evidence on the impact of any public policy requires a willingness to experiment, quality data, and a...

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Child stunting declines, but still high, data show -Rukmini S & Samarth Bansal

-The Hindu As of 2005-06, India had 62 million stunted children, accounting for a third of the world’s burden of stunting. Indian states have seen some improvements in child nutrition over the last decade, the first official data in over a decade shows, but over one in three children is still stunted, and over one in five underweight. As of 2005-6, India had 62 million stunted children, accounting for a third of the...

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