-Economic and Political Weekly The relationship between depleting water levels and school dropout rates is poorly studied. As chronic water shortages begin to affect more regions of the country, this trend will begin to appear more forcefully. Kishore Jha (kishor.delhi6@gmail.com) is working on child rights with Terre des Homes, Germany. Devender, a 14-year-old boy from Kheeda village in Almora district in Uttarakhand State, studies in Class 8. He spends at least three hours...
The Hills Aim Higher -Reetika Khera
-Outlook More government took Himachal near the top of development indices In the run-up to the Lok Sabha elections, the buzz around the so-called ‘Gujarat model' was such that without really knowing what it stood for, everyone wanted it. ‘Minimum Government, Maximum Governance' is as close as one could get in terms of concrete proposals. However, when one looks at the achievements of Gujarat, the buzz turns to a whimper (see...
More »Rural women go the extra mile in walk for water
-The Hindustan Times Every second woman in rural India walked an average 173 kilometres - the distance between Delhi and Vrindavan - to fetch potable water in 2012, making her trek 25 kilometres longer than what it was in 2008-09. Data released this week by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), a ministry of statistics and programme implementation wing, gives two broad hints when compared with previous studies: economic...
More »Mining will hit agriculturally-rich Tehri region, say villagers -Kavita Upadhyay
-The Hindu Dehradun: More than 500 villagers on Saturday protested against the stone crushers who have been licensed to mine the agriculturally-rich region of Tehri district's Maletha gram sabha. The memorandum given to Chief Minister Harish Rawat, on Saturday, read: "The stone crushers working in the area will [be the cause of dust and health problems which will] result in migration of the population...here most of the people are completely dependent on...
More »One in three married couples in India have no room to themselves -Jitendra
-Down to Earth NSSO report shows half of India has no access to sanitation, drainage or waste disposal A national sample survey report, released on Thursday, reveals that a third of married couples in India do not have separate room to themselves, affecting their privacy and health. The 69th round of survey report of the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) States that only 68 per cent rural households and 73 per cent of...
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