-Live Mint 72% of respondents across major cities were ignorant about govt schemes exclusively for girl education Three years after the Right to Education (RTE) Act was passed, around 50% of families in slums across the country are still unaware of its existence, according to a report released by Child Rights and You (CRY), a non-government organization. The report analyzes various barriers in the way of educating girls, drawing on data from a...
A dangerous intervention
-The Business Standard Skimmed milk powder 'buffer' might raise prices The government’s proposal that a buffer stock of skimmed milk powder (SMP) be created in order to minimise volatility in milk prices is so unsound a proposition that it should be shelved. The proposal, sent to the inter-ministerial group on inflation by the food ministry, involves keeping a reserve stock of SMP with milk-processing units by offering them a handsome subsidy. The...
More »Progress achieved in India highlights benefits of quotas for women, says UN official
-The United Nations A top United Nations official today strongly encouraged governments to adopt special temporary measures, such as quotas, to boost the number of women in parliament and decision-making positions, pointing to the progress achieved by women in India as a result of affirmative action. “Here in India, quotas have spurred one of the world’s greatest successes in women’s empowerment and grassroots democracy,” Michelle Bachelet said in her keynote address to...
More »CCEA to consider tomorrow sale of pulses and cooking oil via PDS
-PTI NEW DELHI: To protect BPL families from price shocks due to supply constraints, Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) is likely to consider tomorrow a proposal to relaunch a scheme to supply imported pulses at a highly subsidised rate for next six months. The CCEA may also take up a proposal to extend a scheme for distribution of imported edible oils at subsided rate to BPL families for one more year...
More »Flunking Atomic Audits-MV Ramana
-Economic and Political Weekly The recent Comptroller and Auditor General's report on the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and, more broadly, on nuclear safety regulation has highlighted many serious organisational and operational flaws. The report follows on a series of earlier CAG reports that documented cost and time overruns and poor performance at a number of nuclear facilities in the country. On the whole, the CAG reports offer a powerful indictment of...
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