-The Hindu States such as Kerala, Punjab, Haryana and Gujarat had the highest Access to the bare necessities while it was the lowest in Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Tripura. Poorer States have reduced the gap with rich States when it comes to in providing their citizens with Access to the basics of daily life — housing, water, power, sanitation, cooking gas — according to a new ‘Bare Necessities Index’ (BNI) in...
Create protocols and decommission the ageing large dams speedily, recommends latest UNU-INWEH study
Large dams that cause environmental degradation and large-scale displacement, among other things, have been opposed in India by civil society organisations (CSOs), such as Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), National Alliance of People's Movement (NAPM) and People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL). A recently published study by the United Nations University's Canada-based Institute for Water, Environment and Health along with other partner organisations reveals that tens of thousands of existing large...
More »Children from economically weaker backgrounds have fallen behind as classes shifted to the digital mode -Wilima Wadhwa
-The Indian Express Although there has been a lot of public discussion on digital modes of education for school children, online and video classes catered largely to urban or educated elite populations whose children went to private schools. In India, school closures post the spread of the pandemic started as early as March 2020. As months went by, concerns increased: Would learning levels drop, existing inequalities deepen? The Annual Status of Education...
More »10 million girls at risk of dropping out of school because of the COVID-19 pandemic: RTE Forum -Divya Trivedi
-Frontline.in Ten million girls in India could drop out of secondary school due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a Right to Education Forum policy brief. With 1.6 million girls aged 11 to 14 years currently out of school, the pandemic could disproportionately impact girls further by putting them at risk of early marriage, early pregnancy, poverty, trafficking and violence. Released on January 24, the International Day of Education and National Girl...
More »In agri-credit, small farmers are still outside the fence -AS Mittal
-The Hindu The agriculture sector’s performance has not been commensurate with the increasing subsidised credit it receives Farmers on the warpath would mean that agriculture reforms have again occupied centrestage not just in the minds of the politicians but also policymakers. To enable small farmers to diversify their crops or improve their income they must have Access to credit at reasonable rates of interest. This has been an agenda of the triad...
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