Over two years after the issue rocked the state, Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee today again raised the issue of returning land to “unwilling” Singur farmers. The issue had compelled Ratan Tata to pull out from West Bengal with the ambitious Nano project. Referring to his September 2008 meeting at Raj Bhawan with Mamata Banerjee, the CM said, he is still ready to return 100 acres of land to the unwilling farmers and...
We need profits, passion in farming by MS Swaminathan
In recent years, the agricultural growth rate has tended to be lower than the population growth rate. This year, the former is nearing the target of 4%. But we still have a very large percentage of undernourished children, women and men. Poverty and destitution also remain stubborn. The Indian food security enigma rises from the mismatch between the grain mountains and the hungry millions. What are the prospects for ensuring...
More »No relief from high food prices in New Year by Gargi Parsai
If dal roti went out of reach for the aam admi in 2009, vegetables and onion prices brought tears towards the end of 2010 and with food inflation touching a high of 14.44 per cent for the week ending December 18, the New Year did not ring in any respite from high food prices. The sudden increase of Rs.3 per litre in the price of petrol in December — the sixth...
More »Quality given the go-by at government onion outlets by Gargi Parsai
With fresh arrivals of onions from Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra, Central agencies on Monday announced their decision to sell them through their outlets at Rs. 35 a kg, setting it as a benchmark price. The variety, however, was poor in quality and low in quantity. In the retail open market and retail chains, onion prices remained around Rs. 50 a kg, garlic price was unchanged between Rs. 250 and Rs. 280...
More »Sea water as a social resource: significance of Vedaranyam Salt March by MS Swaminathan
A sea water farming project and a genetic garden of Halophytes are being launched at Vedaranyam today The year 2010 marks the 80th anniversary of the Salt Satyagraha launched at Dandi by Mahatma Gandhi and at Vedaranyam by Rajaji to establish that sea water is a social resource. A Sea Water Farming project and a Genetic Garden of Halophytes are being launched at Vedaranyam on December 26, 2010 to initiate a...
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