-The Hindu OMCs will revise price every month until losses are wiped out The Centre is seized of some State governments’ directive to their transport undertakings (STU) to line up at retail outlets for refuelling following the removal of subsidy for bulk consumers of diesel, Petroleum Minister M. Veerappa Moily said on Friday. Talking to reporters here, Mr. Moily said he had heard that States such as Gujarat and Tamil Nadu had asked...
All Unclear Over Nuclear -Ranjit Devraj
-IPS News When India was admitted to the world’s nuclear power industry nearly five years ago, many believed that this country had found a way to quickly wean itself away from dependence on coal and other fossil fuels that power its economic growth. After all, India already had a home-grown nuclear power industry that was producing about 4,000 megawatts of power from 19 nuclear reactors, defying a United States-led embargo on nuclear...
More »140 countries agree on treaty to limit mercury use
-AFP Delegations from some 140 countries agreed on Saturday to adopt a ground-breaking treaty limiting the use and emission of health-hazardous mercury, the U.N. said, though environmental activists lamented it did not go far enough. The world’s first legally binding treaty on mercury, reached after a week of thorny talks, will aim to reduce global emission levels of the toxic heavy metal, also known as quicksilver, which poses risks to human health...
More »New UN environment studies show rising mercury threat to people in developing countries
-The United Nations Communities in developing countries are facing increasing health and environmental risks linked to exposure to mercury, according to new studies by the United Nations environmental agency. Produced by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the studies note how parts of Africa, Asia and South America could see increasing emissions of mercury into the environment, due mainly to the use of the toxic element in small-scale gold mining, and through the...
More »Build an efficient supply chain between farmers and markets
-The Economic Times India's consumer prices climbed 10.56 per cent in December from a year earlier. This will hold the RBI's rate-cutting hand and prove politically painful for the government. The increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), over three percentage points more than the increase in the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) number, is due to a spurt in prices in the food and beverage category - mainly vegetables, oils and fat,...
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