-The Times of India MUMBAI: Over 300 persons have been prosecuted under Maharashtra's new beef ban law since it was enacted eight months ago. The state government provided this information to the Bombay high court, where it has rejected the claim that people who consume beef constitute a "cultural minority". In its affidavit before a division bench of Justices Abhay Oka and S C Gupte, which is hearing petitions challenging the beef ban,...
5 Sections which makes Delhi’s Janlokpal ‘historic’! -Amit Bhardwaj
-Tehelka TEHELKA decodes five points for its readers from the “historical bill” tabled in the Delhi Assembly, which has been overlooked during the entire hullabaloo. Anna Hazare, the face of the anti-graft movement, had extended his support to the Delhi Janlokpal Bill 2015. His support comes at the time when former aides, Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav, had publically trashed the bill as ‘mahajokepal’. Suspended BJP leader OP Sharma, in conversation with...
More »Nearly half of India’s districts drought-hit as crisis accelerates -Samar Halarnkar
-Hindustan Times India, the father of the nation famously said, lives in its villages, or, as many call it, Bharat. There is no doubt that a great shift is underway: As 600 million move out of rural areas over the next 35 years, India will need about 500 new cities. But unless Bharat offers a fraction of the hope that ushered in Narendra Modi’s era, the ongoing urban transformation of India...
More »Time to abolish criminal defamation
-The Hindu The observation by the Supreme Court that political leaders should not take criticism as a personal insult highlights a particular kind of intolerance that is rarely referred to in the ongoing debate on the subject: the inability of public figures to tolerate criticism and their repeated resort to criminal defamation proceedings to stifle adverse comment. Nothing exemplifies this as much as the 100-odd prosecutions launched by the government of...
More »Chennai’s collapse: City caves to high rainfall, make it liveable before plans to make it ‘smart’
-The Times of India Yet another deluge, coming close on the heels of the wettest November Chennai has seen in over a century, is something the city just could not cope with. Heavy rains on November 16 had exposed the appalling state of the civic infrastructure that was totally unprepared to handle the floods. Clogged and overflowing drains, inundated housing colonies, rotting garbage, electrocutions and roads caving in at many places...
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