-Outlook As part of the ongoing probe into the multi-crore illegal granite quarrying scam in Madurai, police today raided the film production company of Union Minister M K Alagiri's son, Durai Dayanidhi, an accused in the case. The police team from Madurai searched the premises of Dayanidhi's cinema company here for nearly an hour, sources said without elaborating. Dayanidhi, for whom a special police team was on the lookout, and nine others are...
Aquifer atlas shows depletion in north India -Gargi Parsai
-The Hindu India’s first aquifer atlas points to a sharp decline in groundwater levels in several parts of Delhi, West Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan. The atlas, compiled by the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) under the Union Ministry of Water Resources, says within the national capital, South-West Delhi is worst affected by depleting groundwater levels. “One of the critical challenges during the 12th Five-Year Plan is to evolve strategies to manage ground...
More »‘Perfect storm’ that shook
-The Telegraph The enormity of the real challenge before Manmohan Singh is far higher than that posed by Mamata Banerjee. A “perfect storm” is gathering around the economy, according to a Centre-commissioned report packed with suggestions for a series of tough measures that will affect daily life and test the government’s resolve to wade further into unpalatable waters. The report presented by the Vijay Kelkar panel, which was asked to suggest a road...
More »CBI probes offshore mining licence scam -Neeraj Chauhan
-The Times of India A new scam worth several thouSands of crores has come to light. The Central Bureau of Investigation has started a probe into serious irregularities in awarding offshore mining blocks to private companies which did not fulfill the eligibility criteria. The CBI has registered a preliminary enquiry (PE) against officials of the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), the ministry of mines as well as private companies which secured licences...
More »Food security Bill to see more delay as panel tenure ends-Sandip Das
-The Financial Express The government is unlikely to take up the National Food Security Bill in the winter season of Parliament as the panel examining the proposed law had to be reconstituted as its tenure had lapsed. The National Food Security Bill, 2011, which was introduced in the Lok Sabha by food minister KV Thomas in the winter session last year, was referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee chaired by Vilas Muttemwar...
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