The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India has cornered the state government, which had recently demanded a special package of Rs 2,500 crore for frost-hit farmers, in its report tabled in state Assembly today. The CAG has found gross irregularities, non-implementation of schemes, weak budgetary and expenditure controls in both original and supplementary budgets, rush of expenditure at the close of the financial year and underutilisation of central assistance. “The targets...
Holes in Meghalaya job scheme
The annual report (2009-2010) of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS), which was tabled in the state Assembly on Friday, stated that individuals benefited from arecanut plantations in Meghalaya after availing the scheme. “Most of the village employment councils have taken up arecanut plantation projects. However, there are rare cases of arecanut plantations on community land and are mostly carried out on individual lands,” said the social audit,...
More »Judicial check by V Venkatesan
The quashing of the appointment of P.J. Thomas as the CVC shows the judiciary can go beyond the express provisions of law to render justice. THE Indian Constitution does not envisage strict separation of powers among the three branches of the government – the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. This flexibility permits marginal incursions though one branch cannot usurp the essential functions of the other. One of the essential functions...
More »Dalits and a Lack of Diversity in the Newsroom by J Balasubramaniam
This article explores the issue of dalits’ inclusion in the media industry. It argues that under-representation of dalits in Indian media leads to an exclusion of news on dalits. [This was presented in the “National Conference on Ethical Issues and Indian Media” held on 26 and 27 November 2010 and in Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu.] [J Balasubramaniam ( is with the Department of Journalism and Science Communication, Madurai Kamaraj University.] The basis...
More »A Dark Lining To The Shine by Neelabh Mishra
Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar recently alleged that Monsanto, the Union environment ministry’s genetic engineering approval committee (GEAC) and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) had colluded to start trials of genetically modified maize in Bihar before clearance from the environment ministry and the state government. The charge is significant: Nitish says ICAR’s experimental farms in Bihar did not maintain the stipulated “isolation distance” from normal farmland, meant to...
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