Going by just the number of countries, the global average for the age of consent is 16. The government's proposal of criminalizing consensual sex with any person below 18 will put India in the company of countries such as Rwanda, Uganda, Chile, Peru and Egypt, none of whom can be counted among liberal democracies. While the age of consent across the world ranges from 13 to 18, the bulk of the...
Aadhaar card fraud exposes registration process errors
-The Times of India The loopholes which surfaced in the Aadhaar card registration process in the city had raised a big question mark on the claims of 100% Unique Identity (UID) enrollment done in the capital and elsewhere in the state. According to civil supplies department, which is the nodal agency for Aadhaar card enrollment in the state, so far 5.35 crore citizens had enrolled for Aadhaar card in the state against...
More »Bt Brinjal poses a risk to health, environment: Greenpeace report
‘Spread of the Bt gene could make brinjal a problematic weed' An independent enquiry has revealed that the cultivation of genetically engineered (GE, also called genetically modified, or GM) Bt brinjal poses risks to the environment and possibly to human health. The occurrence of wild, weedy and also cultivated relatives presents a likelihood that the GE Bt gene will spread to these relatives but, so far, this has largely been overlooked...
More »Call to stem dipping sex ratio-Radhika Ramaseshan
The National Advisory Council has asked the Centre to formulate a national policy to stem the declining sex ratio at birth that it believed was “located at the complex interface of the status of women in Indian society, patriarchal social mores and prejudice, spread and misuse of medical technology and the changing aspirations of urban and rural society”. The council’s draft recommendations — prepared by members Farah Naqvi and A.K. Shiva...
More »It's Official: India's growth is jobless
The robust 9 per cent –plus growth in South Asia till 2010, driven largely by India, where it came down to around 7 per cent in 2011-12, had one major qualifier: it was mostly associated with a rapid rise in labour productivity rather than an expansion in employment, according to the latest report Global Employment Trends from International Labour Office. Up until the end of the millennium, that is just a...
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