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Demand for agriculture inputs cools on dry spell -R Sree Ram While higher crop acreage should ensure positive growth, much depends on how September rains pan out and the kind of platform it lays out for the next crop season Caution is finally setting in for agriculture inputs stocks. As the weather office released two rain deficit reports (on a cumulative basis), shares of Rallis India Ltd, Dhanuka Agritech Ltd and Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd lost a bit of...

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Retaining MGNREGA's core -Brinda Karat

-The Hindu Held to account by the Supreme Court, the Central government is using opaque methods to change the key provisions of the employment guarantee scheme and make it targeted instead of universal. There is a pithy saying in Hindi that the elephant has two sets of teeth, one for show and the other to eat. This seems an apt description of the approach of the Narendra Modi government towards the implementation...

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NCRB data: handle with care -KP Asha Mukundan

-The Hindu If the data on juvenile crime are anything to go by, the annual reports of the National Crime Records Bureau cannot be taken at face value. The National Crime Records Bureau’s (NCRB) annual round-up of crime statistics has in recent years been the subject of extensive media coverage. The parsing of the official data, however, tends to be a superficial exercise, focussing on the big numbers instead of the minutiae. Numbers...

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Sikkim is India's cleanest state, Jharkhand comes last in Swachhta Survey

-NDTV Sikkim, the small north eastern hill state, is the cleanest in India, with Kerala coming in a close SECond, according to a Swachhta (cleanliness) survey conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) on the condition of sanitation in rural areas of 26 states. Chhattisgarh and neighbouring Jharkhand placed last in the survey, which was carried out last year. “A survey on Swachhta status was conducted by NSSO during May-June 2015 covering...

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The foreign hand isn't enough -Alex M Thomas

-The Hindu The pursuit of full employment of labour cannot primarily rely on domestic private investment, much less FDI. Only public investment will steady us in the long run. We are increasingly told that the inflow of capital — particularly the foreign direct investment (FDI) variety — increases employment levels and contributes to economic growth. In a rare interview given to The Wall Street Journal in May, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reinforced...

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