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Emissions from vehicles have a role in childhood asthma: Study-Jacob P Koshy

-Live Mint Research conducted in 10 European cities; results comparable to the burden associated with passive smoking Exposure to vehicular pollution near busy roads is responsible for 14% of chronic childhood asthma cases, according to a new research conducted in 10 European cities. The results are comparable to the burden associated with passive smoking which, the World Health Organization estimates, causes between 4% and 18% of asthma cases in children. The study was...

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Caste, corruption and romanticism -Kancha Ilaiah

-The Hindu   The Dalit-Bahujan theory or Ambedkarism cannot negotiate with funny theories of sociologists like Ashis Nandy. The best way to counter them is to write a better theory Utsa Patnaik, a noted economist said in a small note that she circulated "Ashis Nandy had earlier made approving remarks on the 1988 Deorala burning to death of a young widow in the name of sati (terming it a courageous act in a...

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Speedy generation of Aadhaar needed to roll out cash benefit transfers before 2014

-The Economic Times The government wants to roll out cash benefit transfers throughout the country before the end of its term in 2014. It is a laudable goal, but will require speedy generation of Aadhaar, the unique identification number, and of Aadhaar-linked bank accounts. About 40% of Indians have no access to formal financial services. So, the government wants to step up efforts to open a bank account for every beneficiary and...

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1.74 lakh people unemployed in Delhi

-PTI As many as 1.74 lakh people are unemployed in Delhi, the Economic Survey of Delhi said on Tuesday. The figure constitutes 3.18 per cent of the metropolis' total labour force. Quoting National Sample Survey Organisation survey between July 2009 and June 2010, the survey said there are 1,74,189 unemployed workers in Delhi, of which 15,024 belong to rural areas while 1,59,165 are from urban region. Of the total 52,96,761 employed people, 51,71,968 belong...

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Forest Rights Act: Good, Bad and Ugly

Groups from across India gathered in Delhi recently to assess the Forest Rights Act’s journey since 2006. The law is often dubbed as ‘landmark’ because it ended the age-old illegality surrounding communities living in forest areas by entitling them to individual and community land title. It also went beyond the colonial paradigms of the forest bureaucracy to recognise community efforts at protecting and preserving forests. Numerous groups and individuals working...

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