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Relief arrives in remote Amphan-hit Sundarbans -Shiv Sahay Singh

-The Hindu The rush to deliver essential supplies reveals unusual vignettes from isolated yet unforgotten islands of the archipelago Kumirmari (Sunderbans): Nearly a month after cyclone Amphan battered the Sunderbans, the archipelago appeared to be healing — its clay embankments were being repaired and connectivity had been restored. But a visit to one of its most isolated areas, which has braved the cyclone and lockdown, threw up interesting sights. Please click here to...

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Locked up during lockdown -Smita Chakraburtty

-The Telegraph Unlike our lives in this period, a prisoner’s life is ruled by distrust, unfamiliarity, uncertainty and little hope for a better future India has been in a lockdown for more than a 100 days, which has confined many people to their homes for the longest period they can remember. Some are working from home while others have lost their jobs and been thrown into economic uncertainty. Many people are comparing...

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91% of domestic workers not paid during lockdown: survey

-The Hindu The survey covered 2,500 domestic workers Bengaluru: As many as 91% of domestic workers were not paid salaries in April and 50% of workers, who were above the age of 50, lost their jobs, according to a survey conducted by Domestic Workers’ Rights Union (DWRU), Bruhat Bangalore Gruhakarmika Sangha (BBGS), and Manegelasa Kaarmikara Union. According to the survey on the impact of lockdown on domestic workers, which covered 2,500 domestic workers,...

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139 million people across Indian cities likely to run out of savings by month-end -Ganesh Rao, Praveen Ravi and Vishnu Padmanabhan 30% of India’s urban population may deplete their lifetime savings by the end of June and would find it difficult to meet essential consumption In the best of times, India’s poor lead a fragile existence but in the worst of times their situation becomes extremely precarious. The lockdown of the country over the past few months has discomfited everyone but it has hit the urban poor the hardest. Measuring vulnerability accurately is...

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55 journalists were targeted for reporting on Covid pandemic, says Delhi think tank report -Taran Deol The RRAG report listed states and cases that were registered against journalists for their stories on PPE shortage, food distribution and alleged corruption among others. New Delhi: As many as 55 journalists have been targeted for covering the pandemic in India between 25 March, when lockdown was first imposed, and 31 May, a report by Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) released Monday says. Journalists faced arrest, registration of FIRs, summons or...

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