The Child Right to Education Bill 2009 which was passed by Parliament in last August 2009, which speaks about the free and compulsory education to all children between 6 to 14 years. On other hand there was nation wide campaign by Child rights organization CRY for “saman shiksha sabko shiksa”. Both tell about education to children. In states of Jharkhand, Bihar few areas of West Bengal and Orissa there are...
Rethinking education
While the human resources development ministry is currently focused on weeding out poor-quality private education providers in the higher education space, a very different picture obtains as far as primary and secondary education is concerned. At a time when the government is almost certainly going to increase expenditure on the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan (SSA) and is still working on the costs of the Right to Education (RTE) Bill, the findings...
More »‘We The Non-People’ by Sanjana and Tarun Sehrawat
A THREE-HOUR motorcycle ride from the border with Andhra Pradesh’s Khammam district and the thick jungles of Chhattisgarh close in. This is remote terrain — villages are spread out over several kilometres; distances measured by the hours taken to walk from one village to another. Schools, hospitals and motorable paths are not even imagined. This is also a self-declared Maoist stronghold. Outside every village stand red concrete columns 25 feet...
More »Wishing well for poor by Sreelatha Menon
A letter from SC commissioners was followed by an order of the apex court to clothe, feed and protect the homeless in night shelters The winner gets trophies, but the losers, who are the majority, are ignored. What happens to them? The political masters, for instance, are winners in a way. At least they win elections. They get to be affluent and move with the wealthy, again a victory of sorts. That...
More »Uterus shock in Andhra by GS Radhakrishna
A state government scheme to pay for hospital treatment of the poor has led to an organ racket, with many private hospitals duping illiterate young women and removing their uterus for illegal sale, a minister has acknowledged. Altogether 21,000 hysterectomies (uterus removals) have been done across Andhra Pradesh under the Rajiv Arogyasree health insurance scheme since it was launched in 2007 for below-poverty-line (BPL) families, a health directorate probe has shown. Most...
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