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Dr Edgar A Whitley, Reader in the Information Systems and Innovation Group at the LSE interviewed by Baba Umar

In 2005, when the Labour Party decided to implement the National Identity Project (NIP) in the UK, it drew severe criticism from many quarters, including the Tories, who later scrapped the NIP after coming to power. A report by the London School of Economics (LSE), which stated the project is “unsafe in law” and should be regarded as a “potential danger to public interest”, was instrumental in buttressing the arguments...

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Transformation for the better-Aakar Patel

Rudyard Kipling opens his superb novel with the street urchin Kim teasing the son of a wealthy man. Kim kicks Chota Lal, whose father, Lala Dinanath, is worth half-a-million sterling, off the trunnion of the mighty cannon Zam-Zammah. Kipling loved India and wrote that it was the only democratic place in the world. It warms us to read this, but of course this was quite untrue in Kipling’s time and...

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A good monsoon is an occasion to invest in a major overhaul of farm policy

-The Economic Times India will have a normal monsoon this year, says the Met office. This is good news, even though the forecast does not rule out some slack during the second half of the season. What matters finally is the distribution of rainfall across space and time rather than the aggregate percentages. However, a good monsoon is only one side of the story to have a strong farm sector. Reforms are...

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Monsoon ‘most likely' to be normal, says IMD

-The Hindu The India Meteorological Department announced on Thursday that the coming monsoon would “mostly likely” be normal. The average rainfall would be 99 per cent of the long period average [LPA], with a model error of plus or minus five per cent. There was a 47 per cent probability of the rainfall being between 96 per cent and 104 per cent, 24 per cent probability of its being between 90 and...

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Wife beating justified, feel most Indian women

-CNN-IBN A Unicef report titled Progress for Children, a report on adolescents, holds that available data for developing countries (India included) show that nearly 50 per cent of girls and women aged between 15 and 49 also believe that wife-beating is justified under certain circumstances. About 57 per cent of male adolescents aged between 15 and 19 years in India think that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his...

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