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Farmers happy over suspension of Posco environment clearance

-The Times of India   KENDRAPADA: Farmers of seaside villages of Jagatsinghpur are jubiliant after the National Green Tribunal (NGT) suspended the environment clearance for Posco. "Last year, the authorities acquired my 16 decimals of betel vine for only Rs 65,000 at Noliasahi village in Nuagaon gram panchayat," said Ranjan Jena (45) of Noliasahi, adding that he wished that he got his land back. He was also very curious if the government will...

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Water: the looming problem-Prakash Nelliyat

World Water Day is held annually on March 22 to focus attention on the importance of freshwater and advocate sustainable management of freshwater resources. Each year, the day highlights a specific aspect of freshwater and this year's campaign was on “Water and Food Security.” A large quantity of water, more than most people think, is used for producing the food we eat everyday. Water is a renewable and finite resource...

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How the Koodankulam agitation lost its spark by Gopu Mohan & Shaju Philip

Idinthakarai: The agitation against the Koodankulam nuclear plant has lost its intensity and sense of direction following the withdrawal of an indefinite fast, a move forced on the protesters after the Tamil Nadu government withdrew its tacit support to them.   The indefinite fast at Idinthakarai had seen mass participation but on Monday, when a relay hunger strike begins, it will involve only a few dozen people. The protesters are as frustrated...

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RTE Act: Two years on, there's still a long way to go by Liffy Thomas

Sunday marked the completion of two years since the landmark Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act came into force. Although Tamil Nadu initially took time to come out with its draft rules before it notified them in November 2011, the School Education Department, over the last couple of months, has taken up a number of initiatives to raise awareness of the RTE Act. One such attempt was setting up...

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Pranab Mukherjee, Minister of Finance interviewed by Lola Nayar and Sebastian PT

Despite the high-theatrics rollback of the Railway Budget, the government is confident of being able to push ahead with the reforms agenda. Despite the high-theatrics rollback of the Railway Budget, the government is confident of being able to push ahead with the reforms agenda. In an e-mailed post-Budget interview, Union finance minister Pranab Mukherjee took questions from Outlook’s Lola Nayar and Sebastian P.T. Edited excerpts: The government has managed to get UPA...

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