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Monitor monsoon situation on weekly basis: PM

-The Hindustan Times Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has directed key ministries to coordinate with states to manage the crisis arising out of the weak monsoon this year. Rains continue to be 22% deficient. India’s monsoon deficit could crimp Food output and hit farm income, which supports a third of the population, hiking inflation risk. “The Prime Minister has been apprised of the situation. He has directed all the departments and ministries to coordinate...

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Monitor monsoon situation on weekly basis: PM

-The Hindustan Times Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has directed key ministries to coordinate with states to manage the crisis arising out of the weak monsoon this year. Rains continue to be 22% deficient. India’s monsoon deficit could crimp Food output and hit farm income, which supports a third of the population, hiking inflation risk. “The Prime Minister has been apprised of the situation. He has directed all the departments and ministries to coordinate...

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Centre rolls out drought plans

-The Telegraph The Union government today announced contingency measures, including the rollout of alternative crops and additional power for irrigation, in response to the persistently poor monsoon rainfall. The crop area sown this year is about 8 million hectares lower than last year but agrometeorology experts say the cumulative area sown with rice can be determined only around early August. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has directed various ministries to co-ordinate their efforts with...

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25,000 flee during clashes in Assam: Police

-AFP GUWAHATI - About 25,000 villagers have fled their homes in northeast India during clashes between Bodo tribal groups and Muslim settlers in which 15 people have been killed, police said Monday.  Soldiers were also out in force in the restive state of Assam in an effort to quell further violence that has led to many villagers moving to nearby government shelters to avoid the fighting over land rights.  "Clashes that broke out...

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India stares at drinking water crisis-Rituraj Tiwari & Himangshu Watts

-The Economic Times This year's frail monsoon has depleted Indian reservoirs to alarming levels last seen during the devastating drought of 2009, threatening even winter-sown crops and making the country vulnerable to drinking water scarcity by February as India's grossly inadequate storage capacity magnifies the impact of weak rainfall. The situation is precarious because the monsoon has delivered normal rainfall to only one-third of the country. The total deficit so far this...

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