Total Matching Records found : 17163

Taking a comprehensive view of quakes -CP Rajendran

-The Hindu The tragic Nepal quake is an opportunity to learn and understand the threats of great temblors. The Nepal earthquake of April 25 is the largest in the Himalayan region since the 1934 quake which measured 8.2 on the Richter scale and destroyed not only parts of central Nepal but also the plains of northern Bihar in India. Mahatma Gandhi, shaken by the Bihar tragedy, wrote in the Harijan that the...

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Defending India’s IPR -CRL Narasimhan

-The Hindu India’s IPR regime, never in the background, has come under sharp focus recently for a variety of reasons. It is ten years since India amended the Indian Patents Act, 1970 to bring its laws in line with the agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). The most important of those amendments related to the introduction of product patents for 20 years, including for pharmaceutical products. Significant safeguards were...

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Records may not show, but women farmers dying too -Priyanka Kakodkar

-The Times of India AKOLA: For the last 23 years, Rukhmabai Rathod had run her 6-acre farm virtually single-handedly. After her husband's death in 1992, the uneducated but determined woman took charge. She decided what to sow, how much to spend and stood her ground with banks and creditors. "She was anguthachaap but she understood everything," says her brother-in-law Babulal Rathod from the Kazadeshwar village in Vidarbha's Akola district. "I didn't think...

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Death by Neglect

-Economic and Political Weekly The RTI is virtually being strangled to death by deliberate delays in appointments. If you find a law uncomfortable, even one that you supported and passed, what should you do? Repealing it would not be politically smart; amending or diluting it will give ammunition to your critics. So the best strategy is to strangulate it, softly and steadily, until it is rendered lifeless and ineffectual. Something like this...

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Why Did Indians Forget The Value Of Urine As Fertilizer? -Sahana Singh Not every western invention is supreme or flawless, the same goes for inorganic fertilizers. Urine irrigation has been a part of the ancient Indic culture. So, why are we reluctant to embrace it today? In the past fortnight there has been a huge controversy around Union Minister Nitin Gadkari’s speech about the usage of urine as fertilizer for plants. Mr Gadkari said that he collected urine in a 50 litre can...

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