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A Wonder Farm in Kerala-Shree Padre Kozhikode: Dubai's agriculture minister recently chartered a flight to Kozhikode and, accompanied by a horticulture consultant, headed to the Agriculture Research Station (ARS) at Anakkayam nearby. There the minister, Abdulla Jassim Abdulla M Almarzooqi, placed orders for fruits, spices and ornamental plants. But on his mind was something bigger. He offered free visas and air tickets to the 100 members of the research station's agricultural army, which rather grandly goes...

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Economists on the Wrong Foot: a critique of Jagdish Bhagwati and Amartya Sen-Ashish Kothari and Aseem Shrivastava The ongoing debate between two stalwart economists, Amartya Sen and Jagdish Bhagwati, must be joined by those who understand contemporary realities and challenges in terms altogether different from those of mainstream economists. In a recent (July 27) article in Times of India, Bhagwati's co-author Arvind Panagariya characterizes the differences between the two in the following terms. Sen favours education and health measures as being the first steps to tackle poverty...

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Political parties gang up, oppose apex court order on tainted politicians

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Political parties Banded together to strongly oppose the recent Supreme Court order that legislators be immediately disqualified on conviction and called on the government to take measures to undo the ruling. The all-party meeting ahead of the monsoon session on Thursday saw political parties in one voice protesting the "erosion" of Parliament's supremacy in law-making with leaders claiming the SC order is an assault on their...

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Man who took on sand mafia shot dead

-The Indian Express Noida (Uttar Pradesh): A 40-year-old man, who had allegedly taken on the sand mafia operating in his village, was shot dead at his residence in Raipur village in Sector 126, Noida, on Wednesday. Family members alleged that he was murdered as he had complained against a particular family engaged in illegal sand mining. The family also claimed that the mining was being done in the same area where suspended...

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A misnomer called food security -Charan Singh and Arvind Virmani

-The Indian Express The proposed bill makes false promises. The need is to directly address problems of drinking water availability, sanitation, maternal health and childcare The Food Security Bill (2013, FSB) promulgated recently by an ordinance is expected to be debated in Parliament soon. The intention behind the FSB is noble, to eradicate hunger from the country, but the means adopted need serious reconsideration. FSB, under the targeted public distribution system (TPDS),...

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