KEY TRENDS • According to NSS 76th Round, the major source of drinking water of the household was hand pump in the rural areas and piped water into dwelling in the urban areas. About 42.9 percent of the households in the rural areas used hand pump as the principal source of drinking water and about 40.9 percent of the households in the urban areas used piped water into dwelling as the principal...
PDS/ Ration/ Food Security
KEY TRENDS • During 2014-15, while procurement of foodgrains (rice and wheat) increased from 56.9 million tonnes to 60.2 million tonnes, offtake of foodgrains (rice and wheat) from the PDS decreased from 59.8 million tonnes to 55.9 million tonnes. Despite increased availability in the PDS and prevalence of high inflation in foodgrains, dependence on the PDS is reducing, suggesting that there may be issues of availability, timely availability and quality of the PDS foodgrains...
More »There is a cure -Pragya Singh
Chittorgarh shows the way to affordable healthcare—generic drugs at cost price How Chittorgarh Did It * Orders passed saying doctors in government hospitals must prescribe generic medicines only * Strict checks to ensure only generic drugs are prescribed unless absolutely necessary; ad campaign too * Cooperative asked to procure generic medicines and supply them through a network of 16 stores * Tenders invited by the cooperative, most bids far lower than currently retailing. Pre-selected companies...
More »SDGs
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) In order to address the problems of poverty, inequality and climate change, world leaders gathered at the United Nations in New York on 25 September, 2015 to adopt the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As per the United Nations Development Programme India website (please click here to access), the 2030 Agenda that comprises 17 new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is expected to guide policy and funding for the next 15...
Government of India is preparing to allot alternative sites to the South Korean mining giant POSCO for its Rs 51000 crore steel plant in Orissa because it fears a major tribal backlash against forced displacement from their lands and livelihoods. The plan is to ‘arrange’ alternative sites for the company without moving it out of the state. It is no secret that the hugely profitable mining industry thrives on corruption...
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