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Indian tax system, black money and tax havens-PR Srinivasan

Drug smugglers and third-world dictators laundering ill-gotten wealth through secretive banking systems in tax havens is an anachronistic image from crime novels. Leveraging US' remarkable success in compelling tax havens to block terrorist financing, the G20/OECD have successfully persuaded tax havens to improve tax transparency and participate in an international regime of information exchange.  All tax havens have committed to OECD standards for tax transparency and are executing Tax Information Exchange...

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Private trusts running public plots may come under RTI

-The Times of India   The amended draft policy on open spaces is ready and the BMC plans to bring private trusts managing public spaces under theRTI Act. If the plan is approved , trusts looking after recreation grounds (RGs), playgrounds (PGs), parks and gardens-on adoption or caretaker basiswill have to share details of their operationswiththe public .  The move comes after the BMC caught flak at a civic improvementscommittee meeting in March...

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Public policy in a knowledge society-Shiv Visvanathan

Imagine you are a citizen racing across newspapers rapid fire. As you flip the pages you run across events like the Vedanta mining case, the Koodankulam nuclear controversy, the debate on poverty and reports about climate change. Each of these can be a life-threatening event and none of them have a life support system of knowledge which allows them to be debated in the open. The basic information comes from...

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Government agrees in-principle to free diesel prices: Finance Ministry

-PTI The government on Tuesday said it has agreed in-principle to deregulate diesel prices, but is not considering similar proposal for the cooking gas.  "Government has, in principle, agreed to make the prices of diesel market determined," Minister of State for Finance Namo Narain Meena said in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha.  While petrol prices are market-linked, the government fixes the rates of LPG, kerosene and diesel, which results in a...

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Right to Education is the wrong thing for the right reason

-The Economic Times At the peak of Anna Hazare fever last year, anybody disagreeing with his message or prescription was branded pro-corruption. Over the last few weeks, anybody expressing disappointment at the Supreme Court upholding the Right to Education (RTE) Act is being branded anti-poor or elitist. This is unfair and unnecessary: dissent is not treason. The supporters of Anna and RTE have similar traits: impatient, intellectually certain and more interested in...

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