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Laptop scheme exposes gaps in system by Vidya Padmanabhan

The scheme seeks to add a superstructure of digital empowerment without laying an adequate foundation Until recently, S. Dhibeka, 16, who had never used a computer until she chose the computer science stream last year at the aging, leafy Kakkalur Government Higher Secondary School near Chennai, could practise programming for only an hour or two a week, often sharing a desktop computer with one or more of her classmates. But since September,...

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Lokpal panel seeks more time for report

-Express News Service Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Law and Justice Abhishek Manu Singhvi has sought a four-day extension for submitting the panel’s report on the Lokpal Bill. Sources disclosed that Rajya Sabha chairman Mohammad Hamid Ansari has asked Singhvi to meet him tomorrow to explain the reasons for the delay. Singhvi, who needs a nod from Ansari because the administrative control of the committee is vested in him, told The Indian...

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Getting the FDI in Retail Debate Back on Track by Mohan Guruswamy

The FDI in retail debate has apparently fully traversed the realm of reason and for it seems to have degenerated into name-calling. I had intimation of this when a diplomat who meets me from time to time asked me if I was being put up, for a price, by Indian corporate interests to stymie the entry of the big western firms like Wal-Mart and Carrefour? I can well imagine the...

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GR Sofi, first Chief Information Commissioner of SIC (J&K) talks to Greater Kashmir Team

THE FIRST CHIEF INFORMATION COMMISSIONER (CIC) OF STATE INFORMATION COMMISSION (SIC) G R SOFI, TALKS ABOUT THE RTI ACT AND HOW THE COMMISSION IS WORKING TO ACHIEVE ITS GOALS IN A CONVERSATION WITH GREATER KASHMIR TEAM. HERE ARE THE EXCERPTS. Rajeev Sharma: Do you think the present legislation is enough to achieve the objectives that it is supposed to? G R Sofi: Last month I was in Delhi to attend an annual...

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Gujarat: Atrocities driving Dalits out of Sanand village by Roxy Gagdekar

Sanand, a taluka of Ahmedabad district, has been developing rapidly ever since Tata Motors set up its Nano plant here; it is now expected to emerge as the ‘Detroit of India’. But one of its villages, Goraj, hides an ugly fact - ostracisation of a Dalit community. The irony is that this discrimination is taking place barely 50 km from Ahmedabad where Mahatma Gandhi’s Sabarmati Ashram (also known as Harijan Ashram)...

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