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Gene mutation and food by Kavitha Kuruganti

Dr M.S. Swaminathan, considered the Father of the Green Revolution in India, finally stated his views on genetically-modified (GM) crops in an opinion piece published on August 26, 2009, in this newspaper. GM crops are produced by inserting foreign genes, mostly non-plant genes (bacterial, viral and animal genes) for obtaining hitherto non-existent, new characteristics in a crop. For instance, the Bt class of GM crops like Bt cotton and Bt...

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Undiluted truths about rich polluters by Jayanthi Natarajan

It came as no big surprise to anyone at all that US President Barack Obama made a speech filled with noble intentions, but very little concrete action, on the issue of climate change at the Climate Change Summit, which just concluded in New York. Environment activist had great hopes that the US President would think "out of the box" and take the lead in ensuring that the US, one of...

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SRI method doubling rice output

JAMUGURIHAT, Sept 6 – At a time when the cultivators of Assam are spending their days in hopelessness and agony because of the long spell of drought, a new method of cultivation named SRI has brought a ray of hope to them as by this method Ahu rice production can be doubled. This new method of cultivation SRI (System of Rice Intensification) brought from Madagascar, has yielded desired results from...

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Two senior officers of the district administration in Bihar fined for contravening the RTI Act

RTI advocators in Bihar have succeeded in prevailing upon the State Information Commission to impose penalties under The Right to Information Act (RTI Act) on two senior officers of the Madhubani  district administration. On 11th September, 2009 the Bihar Information Commission imposed the maximum penalty permissible under the RTI Act on the Additional District Collector (Apar-Samaharta) and the Circle Officer (Anchal Adhikari) for repeated contraventions of the RTI Act. The Commission...

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Blowing The Whistle by Prashant Bhushan, VK Shunglu, Arvind Kejriwal, Madhu Bhaduri

The CVC has failed to be an institutional bulwark against corruption. The reason? Wrong appointments. It's time to fix the methodology of these appointments and make them transparent. The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) was set up as a department of the government of India in the 1960s. It was functioning as an organization to advise government on all matters relating to corruption in public services and lack of integrity vis-à-vis public...

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