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Sex workers must not be allowed to operate, Centre tells Supreme Court

-PTI Court agrees to examine the whole issue at length   The Supreme Court on Thursday agreed to examine the Centre’s plea that sex workers should not be allowed to operate in the country under the cloak of working “with dignity” as suggested by a panel, since that would be contrary to the statute prohibiting the world’s oldest trade. Appearing for the Centre, Additional Solicitor-General P. P. Malhotra told a Special Bench of Justice...

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Government sweetens land acquisition deal-Subodh Ghildiyal

-The Times of India Persons displaced by land acquisition would be paid an extra 12% of the cost of land every year, in what is seen as the government's bid to sweeten the deal after insisting on state's role in buying land for private parties.  The proposed changes to the Land Acquisition Bill add 12% of market value of the land acquired to the package of compensation and solatium to the evacuee....

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Tourism facilities near wildlife habitats to pay 10% of revenue soon-Nitin Sethi

-The Times of India All tourist operations within 5km of all 600 plus tiger reserves, national parks, sanctuaries and wildlife corridors in the country will soon have to fork out a minimum of 10% of their turnover as " local conservation fee", which will be used not only to protect wildlife areas but also provide financial assistance to communities and people living around these green patches.  The Union environment and forests ministry...

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Centre ask states to videograph gram sabha proceedings

-PTI Aiming to strengthen the functioning of panchayati Raj institutions, Centre has advised state governments to videograph gram sabha proceedings,besides introducing a slew of schemes for improving their set up. "The scheme will start from 2012-13, that is the first year of 12th Five Year Plan. It will require the states to undertake reforms, devolve funds, strengthen state election commissions and finance commission and set up Mahila Sabhas," Union Minister for panchayati...

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SC writ: panchayats can question govt in HC

-The Times of India panAJI: In a recent significant judgment, the Supreme Court has held that the state's panchayats have the right to challenge government authority decisions before the high court, as the grassroots-level bodies represent the will of the people. The apex court verdict thus overruled the high court of Bombay at Goa's judgment which had declined relief to the Calangute panchayat. The panchayat had questioned before the high court an order...

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