-The Hindu The Maharashtra Election Commission has sought the Press Council of India's assistance to check the menace of paid news in the upcoming zilla parishad and corporation polls in the State. “We have created committees at various places under the corporation chairman and district collector to look into complaints of paid news. We have also written to the Press Council and asked them to appoint a representative on each of these...
11 years after earthquake, Gujarat builders made to pay by Dayananda Yumlembam
After a perilous wait of eleven years and four days for justice, 40 residents of Sangemarmar Apartments, which collapsed during the earthquake 2001, received their due from the builders responsible for the tragedy. Gujarat State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission ordered the builders of Sangemarmar Apartments, to pay varying amounts of compensations for the building collapse - around Rs 35 lakh each to residents of the flats who complained that the building...
More »What Azadi means: Findings from a first-ever Home Ministry survey of Kashmiri youth by Riyaz Wani
Valley’s youth say peaceful political protests are the most effective means for achieving political aspirations. Estrangement from India is matched by the lack of interest in Pakistan In 2010 the Ministry of Home Affairs had commissioned a focussed survey on the priorities and aspirations of Kashmir’s new generation, which had spearheaded the long spell of unrest, and found that 54 per cent of them identified “Azadi” as their preferred “final status...
More »E-Books Are Easier To Ban Than Books by Pranesh Prakash
Indian law promotes arbitrary removal and blocking of websites, website content, and online services —making it much easier than getting offline printed speech removed Without getting into questions of what should and should not be unlawful speech, let's take a look at how Indian law promotes arbitrary removal and blocking of websites, website content, and online services, and how it makes it much easier than getting offline printed speech removed. --Pranesh Prakash...
More »Violence erupts in Yanam as workers go on the rampage by KN Murali Sankar
Factory official killed after death of union leader in police action In a major outbreak of industrial violence following the death of a trade union leader, a top official of a ceramic company in Yanam, a small enclave of Puducherry in Andhra Pradesh, was killed by workers at his residence here on Friday. The workers went on the rampage after their leader M.S. Murali Mohan was killed in police action outside the...
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