-PTI INLD workers clash with police at Rohini court before and after sentencing In a judgement that could have electoral ramifications in Haryana, former Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala and his son Ajay Chautala were on Tuesday sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for corruption amidst scenes of violence by his supporters in a Delhi court complex. Special CBI Judge Vinod Kumar, who last week had convicted the Chautalas and 53 others, including two...
The death of the reporter -Sandeep Bhushan
-The Hindu In the television newsroom, the promoter’s fancies and political preferences have taken precedence over editorial judgement The Zee “extortion” case in which the news network is alleged to have demanded Rs.100 crore in return for rolling back its campaign against steel tycoon Navin Jindal’s “misdemeanours” in coal block allocations (for the family owned Jindal Steel & Power Limited or JSPL), is a deeply layered story that deserves a closer look...
More »Government pushes banks to go rural, but will it pay?-Swati Pandey and Rajendra Jadhav
-Reuters RANCHHODPURA, India (Reuters) - Working out of a tiny rented room furnished with a wooden table, small biometric authentication machine and shelf stacked with passbooks, Ganesh Dangi is a one-man bank for a village of 650 people in northwestern Rajasthan. A business correspondent, or local representative, for State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (SBBJ) in Ranchhodpura village, 40 km (25 miles) east of Udaipur, Dangi is racing to sign up villagers...
More »Sensitivity, not gender, is vital really -Devesh K Pandey
-The Hindu The approval for large-scale induction of women personnel into the Delhi Police is being described by many as a knee-jerk reaction to the public outrage over the gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student last month. However, whether the move would make any significant change depends entirely on the degree of sensitivity shown by all the stakeholders and efficient handling of police investigations into crimes against women, particularly rape...
More »Why journalists are covering rapes differently in New Delhi & Steubenville-Mallary Jean Tenore
-Poynter.org It’s not often that two stories about rape — one in India and one here in the U.S. — get so much attention at the same time. What’s striking about the simultaneous stories is how differently journalists are covering them. The case in New Delhi involves a young woman who was raped so brutally that she died. The five men suspected of the rape now face charges of kidnapping, rape and...
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