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Hardly unanimous, Mr. Thorat-Shahid Amin

-The Hindu The debate over the cartoons used in NCERT textbooks as aids to learning have thrown up a range of issues. The discussion has crystallised around a set of oppositions: motivated political correctness of our elected representatives vs. the necessity of preemptory parliamentary intervention on educational material appropriate for schools; institutional autonomy vs. political responsibility of a state presiding over a diverse and fraught society; the hubris of ‘experts’ vs....

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Ex-IC Gandhi blames Delhi high court for thwarting RTI initiatives-Abhinav Garg

-The Times of India Outgoing information commissioner (IC) Shailesh Gandhi has blamed the Delhi high court for frustrating the purpose of the RTI Act by staying several CIC orders. In a 56-page reply filed in the HC in response to a petition against him filed by a CIC official, Gandhi has dismissed charges of bias and questioned the court's practice of granting ex-parte stays on CIC verdicts. "It appears Delhi high court...

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Death due to doctor's negligence is an accident says National Consumer Forum

-PTI According to NCDRC ruling, the insured died during an operation by the treating doctors and the injury to the insured was an accident, therefore the insurance company is liable to pay accidental death benefits to the heirs New Delhi: Death of a patient due to rash or negligent act of a doctor is an accident, making the victim entitled to the accidental death benefits from his or her insurer, the country's...

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Monsoon revival or mirage?-Rajan Alexander Less than a week ago, the rainfall deficiency was nearly 50% of average. In a span of just six days, the deficiency was cut almost in half. Combine this feat with the fact that monsoon covered the entire country, four days earlier than normal and how does the glass now look? This is one season, so unpredictable that explains the heightened media interest in the monsoon progress. Much has been hyped...

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A textbook case of exclusion-Rupa Viswanath

To replace ‘Dalit’ with ‘SC’, as the Thorat panel recommends, is to be inaccurate A commission led by S.K. Thorat, and charged with reviewing NCERT political science textbooks in the wake of the cartoon controversy, has singled out a specific word in the text for removal. All instances of the word “Dalit”, it is recommended, should be replaced with “Scheduled Caste” (SC). The blogosphere is rife with speculation on the motivation...

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