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NAC wants unorganised workers’ Act to be more inclusive

-Express News Service   The Sonia Gandhi-chaired National Advisory Council (NAC) on Tuesday asked a working group under it to work out implementation mechanisms and financial implications of a comprehensive social security package to make the Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008 more inclusive. The direction came during a meeting where a working group on ‘Social Security for Unorganized Workers’ presented its draft suggestions for a “comprehensive social security package, that includes Health...

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Modi-led panel of CMs had suggested organized retail in report to PM

-The Times of India Promotion of organized retail and contract farming to improve farm production and modernize the agriculture supply chain as well as direct marketing initiatives are among the highlights of the report on consumer affairs prepared by a group of chief ministers chaired by Gujarat CM Narendra Modi.  In a report submitted to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in March, the committee headed by Modi prioritized reducing farm gate to retail...

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Half of HIV patients in Asia live in India by Aarti Dhar

The prevalence is 18 per cent in South India, says UNAIDS report India houses half of Asia's HIV patients and is way ahead of China in disease burden. It also finds a place in the list of 22 countries prioritised for preventing mother to child transmission infection, according to the latest UNAIDS report, drafted jointly with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organisation (WHO). About 48 lakh people...

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Don't bend to bigots

-The Hindu   “One is my brother and the other is not is the thinking of a narrow-minded person. For those who are broad-minded, liberals, or noble people, the entire world is one big family.” This translation from the Maha Upanishad is part of the vision statement of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), established in 1952 and held annually in Goa. Unfortunately, the IFFI directorate seemed to have momentarily lost...

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Why Durban is the Kyoto protocol's last chance by Amy Goodman

With climate change already claiming human victims, the world must get an agreement out of the UN conference in South Africa The United Nations' annual climate summit descended on Durban, South Africa, this week, but not in time to prevent the tragic death of Qodeni Ximba. The 17 year-old was one of 10 people killed in Durban Sunday, the night before the UN conference opened. Torrential rains pummelled the seaside city...

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