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Land law not the only rollback: Seeds Bill put on hold over ‘GM’ clause

-The Indian Express The move comes despite three rounds of inter-ministerial consultations on the Seeds Bill, during which all ministries agreed to its major provisions, including five recent amendments. It’s not just the Land Acquisition Bill, the NDA government has also put on hold proposed amendments to the Seeds Bill, mainly due to a clause on the use of genetically modified (GM) seeds that it fears would portray it as being...

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SRI method a boon to paddy farmers -Vivek Bhoomi Sangareddy: System of Rice Intensification (SRI), a new way of cultivating rice has gained prominence among the farmers of Mulugu and neighbouring villages in Medak district. The new form of cultivation is not just cost-effective, but also yields more than traditional form of rice cultivation. With the new method, it takes only 2 kg of seeds to sow an acre whereas in traditional method it takes 30 kg In SRI method,...

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Bharat Bandh: All you need to know about the trade unions strike -Sai Nidhi

-DNA The nationwide one day strike according to the trade unions is supposed to be the biggest strike ever in the country. This protest is a strike against the anti-worker economic policies of the government. 10 central trade unions have declared a nation-wide strike on September 2 which is said to impact essential services. This strike is to protest against the changes that have been made in the labour laws by...

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Going the natural way -Deepika Nidige

-Deccan Herald Organic food in India has slowly made its way into more households over the last decade. More and more people are embracing the concept of safe food, having realised the benefits that come along with it. So, with the demand seeing a steady rise, how does the supply scene fare comparatively? Well, in keeping with the changing times and needs of consumers, farming too is seeing a shift towards...

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Myth of Muslim growth -Abusaleh Shariff

-The Indian Express Once again, the debate on census population data on religion misses the point. With the release of the Census 2011 data on religion and misleading reports in the media, the growth of the Muslim population has become the focus of the debate once again. Almost 10 years ago, in 2004, a similar but sharper controversy had erupted when the government released the Census 2001 data on religion. There...

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