Total Matching Records found : 6912

Justice and the Adivasi by Ramachandra Guha

In the summer of 2006, I travelled with a group of scholars and writers through the district of Dantewada, then (as now) the epicentre of the conflict between the Indian State and Maoist rebels. Writing about my experiences in a four-part series published in The Telegraph, I predicted that the conflict would intensify, because the Maoists would not give up their commitment to armed struggle, while the government would not...

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Labouring for the Commonwealth Games by CP Surendran

Behind Delhi's radical makeover for the Commonwealth Games are 150,000 migrants labourers toiling hard to meet the October deadline. TOI-Crest gives this silent workforce a name and a face. Thirty-five-year old Vijay is from Sagar village in Madhya Pradesh. His thekedar, who makes regular trips to the villages to round up skilled and unskilled labourers, had told him he'd be working on the beautification of Delhi University roads under the...

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PDS universalisation should be time-bound by Biraj Patnaik

The latest recommendation by the National Advisory Council on the National Food Security Act represents a significant shift in the debate on food security in the country. The discussions in the NAC suggest that the debate has largely been around the universalisation of the Public Distribution System. There also seems to have been other decisions taken by the NAC, especially on the right to food of vulnerable people and children’s right...

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Rotting wheat raises a stink by Gurdeep Singh Mann

Lakhs of rotten wheat bags in open godowns of different villages of Fatehgarh Sahib are emanating unbearable stench after recent rains. Villagers of Ranwan, near Khamano, and Kotla Bhaika in Sirhind are suffering due to the lakhs of rotten paddy and wheat bags lying in open godowns for the past many years. Nearly 2.5 lakh bags lying in Kotla Bhaika are creating nuisance for the villagers, who have stopped visiting the...

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Poverty haunts India's economic miracle

When flames from an open cooking fire raced through Fida Hussein's shack in northern India, it was a disaster for him and his poverty-stricken family. "We have nothing," said Hussein as he stood in the ruins of his hut through which the sky could be seen between the burnt roof timbers in a remote corner of Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state. India's number of millionaires grew by 51 percent...

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