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CAG demonstrates how govt relies on off-budget resources to fund deficit - Dinesh Narayanan

-The Economic Times India’s deficit numbers have come under lens as the govt is increasingly depending on off-budget borrowings. The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has said that the central government’s key deficit figures may be considerably higher than those stated in the union budget. In a presentation to the 15th Finance Commission (FFC) on July 8, three days after the July 5 budget, CAG has asked whether the extra-budgetary resources accounted for...

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Migrants aren't streaming into cities, and what this means for urban India -Gregory Randolph and Sahil Gandhi

-Hindustan Times If Indian cities have become successful in turning away migrants, we should see that as the first sign of their demise, not their dynamism. “Stop migration into cities.” These were the words of finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman during last week’s budget speech, even as she — confusingly — called urbanization an “opportunity rather than a challenge.” A call to stop rural-urban migration should alarm, but not surprise us. The FM’s statement...

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90% funds for 1 party, Manmohan Singh seeks debate on state funding of elections

-The Telegraph The BJP has been cornering the lion’s share of all money going to political parties New Delhi: Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday called for a debate on state funding of elections, underscoring the urgency by drawing attention to how one party has had access to 90 per cent of the money going to political parties. Singh flagged the issue while addressing a meeting to mark the birth centenary year...

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Why states are demanding more from the 15th Finance Commission - Nikita Kwatra and Pramit Bhattacharya Transfers to states are stagnating at a time when developmental demands on state governments are rising Five years ago, when the 14th finance commission recommended an increase in devolution of funds to state governments and a hike in the share of untied funds they received, it was heralded as a new era for fiscal federalism in the country, and one that would significantly empower state governments at a time when they...

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How the Centre Can Ensure Women Receive Maternity Benefits -Vanita Leah Falcao, KC Sachin and Sabhil Nath Painkra Increased budgetary allocation is a welcome step, but key aspects of the Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana scheme need to be reviewed. The Union Budget brought with it a 17% increase in this year’s allocation for the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD). Approximately 9% of the total allocation, which is Rs 29,000 crore, has been earmarked for the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY). The PMMVY is a Centrally sponsored...

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