Even as the government plans to bring legislation that will define and punish perpetrators of honour killings, a study said most violent reactions appeared to be prompted when a girl chose to marry a boy from a lower caste than herself. The study commissioned by the National Commission for Women (NCW) and conducted by NGO `Shakti Vahini' profiled 560 cases which reflected that honour killing was a north Indian phenomenon,...
“Let not grains rot in godowns while millions cry for food”
Food rights activists demand universalisation and decentralisation of PDS A large number of food rights activists staged a protest outside the godown of the Food Corporation of India in Rourkela on Sunday demanding equitable distribution of food grains and universalisation and decentralisation of the public distribution system (PDS). More than 1,500 activists, academicians and those involved in various people's movements participated in the agitation against the rotting of food grains in...
More »RTI Act not applicable to HPV vaccine project by Aarti Dhar
‘Trade secret of third party' can't be disclosed: Drugs-Controller Application seeks information on the basis of approval for import and marketing of vaccines It seeks to know protocols for permission to an NGO and ICMR to conduct ‘demonstration project' Information on the demonstration project and licensing of two vaccines to prevent cervical cancer has been exempted from public disclosure under Section 8 of the Right to Information Act, 2005. This is the reply received...
More »Bihar’s virtuous cycle by Vijay Swaroop
Bihar has a refreshing new motif: girls in uniform on shiny new cycles, confident and assured, simply because they go to school. A little over three years ago, the Bihar government launched the Mukhyamantri Balika Cycle Yojana—the chief minister’s cycle scheme for girls. The plan entitled girls in class IX and X to a free cycle from the state or Rs2,000 to buy one—mirroring a scheme started by Tamil Nadu, but...
More »Go bananas and save the world by GS Mudur
For your sake, and earth’s sake, have fish instead of mutton. If you are truly climate-friendly, go bananas. According to a study that analysed greenhouse gas emissions associated with a set of common Indian food items, fish is a superior alternative to mutton, not just for humans but also for the planet’s health, while bananas are the most climate-friendly. The study, by scientists at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi,...
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