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Human shield review after ‘mix-up’-Nishit Dholabhai

-The Telegraph The CRPF will review standard operating procedures (SOPs) on tackling Maoists’ “human shields” and conducting night operations, sources said today, less than a week after Friday’s controversial operation in Chhattisgarh that resulted in 19 deaths. The move came on a day a preliminary report by a panel of state Congress leaders suggested six of those killed were villagers in their teens. Yesterday, Union tribal affairs minister Kishore Chandra Deo had...

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NCERT to hold consultations on Thorat report-Aarti Dhar

-The Hindu ‘It did not seem to be too happy with recommendations’ The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) on Wednesday decided to hold further consultations on the S.K. Thorat Committee report that recommended the removal of 21 cartoons and words, which, it said, were “ambiguous,” negative or showed politicians and bureaucrats in an ‘incorrect’ way, from the Social Science and Political Science textbooks for Classes IX-XII. Sources in the NCERT...

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Karnataka submits 'resettlement & rehabilitation plan' for people displaced by mines-MV Ramsurya

-The Economic Times A rehabilitation proposal to address displaced population and sort out environmental issues at eight iron ore mines in Karnataka has been prepared and submitted to a Supreme Court panel, giving hope to steel companies that production in these mines, shuttered since last year, will resume soon.  According to norms, the rehabilitation proposal, typically called the Resettlement & Rehabilitation (R&R) plan, has to be approved by the apex court's Centrally...

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Cartoon row: Experts say Thorat panel ignored views-Anubhuti Vishnoi

-The Indian Express Prof M S S pandian is not the sole dissenter as far as the Thorat committee’s recommendations on removal of cartoons from NCERT textbooks go. A number of academic experts roped in by the committee to review Political Science textbooks, which are at the centre of a controversy over “controversial” cartoons, also echoed views similar to pandian and fully supported the cartoons. Set up in May following MPs’ objections...

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Yash Pal: Thorat panel report ‘insensitive’-G Krishnakumar

-The Hindu “We know that Nehru had enjoyed Shankar’s cartoons on him” Academic and chairman of the National Curriculum Framework (2005) review committee Yash Pal has rejected the S.K. Thorat panel recommendations for deletion of cartoons on politicians and bureaucrats from the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) textbooks. Terming the panel report “insensitive” and an example of the “growing politics of intolerance,” Prof. Yash Pal said “academicians [in the panel]...

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