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Kiran Bedi sees compulsions of ‘vote politics’ in Arvind Kejriwal stand on BJP -Abantika Ghosh

-The Indian Express The aggression of India Against Corruption (IAC) towards the BJP, which was always a “Lokpal ally”, could be linked to compulsions of electoral politics, Kiran Bedi has said. Pointing out that senior BJP Leader Arun Jaitley had shared stage with the IAC during Anna Hazare’s Jantar Mantar fast last December, Bedi told The Indian Express that the organisation’s attacks on the BJP may be linked to its transformation “from...

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No major health fallout from typical exposure, say studies -Shalini Singh

-The Hindu The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines of April 1998 say epidemiological studies on workers exposed to Electric and Magnetic Field (EMF) and the public have shown no major health effects associated with typical exposure environments. The studies have yielded no convincing evidence that typical exposure levels Lead to adverse reproductive outcomes or an increased cancer risk. In India, the GSM services are being operated in 900 MHz and...

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PC clarifies on cartoon in FC by KR Sudhaman

-The Financial Chronicle Finance minister P Chidambaram on Monday sa­id neither he nor his colleagues talked about “zero loss” in connection with the CAG report, as inferred in a cartoon in the August 27 edition of Financial Chronicle, and in a report in another daily. The FC cartoon showed him holding a paper that said “zero loss theory”. Chidambaram said the statement is being issued to set the “record straight”, and clarified that...

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Diesel subsidies benefit the haves more than have-nots -Ramkrishna Kashelkar

-The Economic Times MUMBAI: Soaring diesel consumption by fleet owners, telecom companies to keep their towers running and malls to pamper their affluent customers is blowing up the theory that continuation of diesel subsidies is intended to help farmers and truckers in order to keep inflation low. Diesel consumption is growing at a rapid pace that is lining the pockets of the business community rather than the government's intention to help poor...

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Health Act faces hurdles-Sonal Matharu

-Down to Earth Centre drafts guidelines to regulate clinical establishments; Indian Medical Association resists After expressing resentment over the Centre’s efforts to regulate medical education, doctors are now up in arms against its move to regulate clinical establishments that are flourishing without any accountability. The Indian Medical Association (IMA), the largest body of doctors in the country, is threatening to sue several state governments if they enforce the Clinical Establishments (Registration and...

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