-The Hindu A definite acknowledgement of the potential of Aadhar for public service delivery, and especially for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGA) by Bharat Bhatti, Jean Drèze, and Reetika Khera in their article “Experiments with Aadhaar” (editorial page, The Hindu, June 27, 2012), is a small step for Aadhaar, but a giant leap for the authors! Process re-engineering in government is never easy, there is enormous resistance both...
Human waste to light up bio-toilets
-PTI Methane gas generated from human waste could be used to light up bio-toilets developed by scientists of the Defence Research and Development Organisation. Acting on suggestions made by Union Minister for Rural Development Jairam Ramesh, the premier research agency is now working to provide lighting solution for the convenience of those who will use bio-toilets in darkness. "We are finding out the means to do it as the rate of production of...
More »What’s politically incorrect need not be educationally inappropriate, says pandian
-The Hindu There is nothing inappropriate in the NCERT social science textbooks and the tools used are indeed imaginative exercises in critical pedagogy, says M.S.S. pandian in his note dissenting with the S.K. Thorat panel, which has ordered deletion of several cartoons and words. The six-member committee was constituted in the wake of a controversy over an Ambedkar cartoon in a class XI textbook. “I read all the textbooks with care, and from...
More »Unesco tag on Ghats
-The Telegraph Unesco has declared the Western Ghats a World Heritage site, capping a six-year campaign, but another Indian nomination on the “hill forts of Rajasthan” tripped because of inadequacies in documentation. The recognition for the ghats came despite a recommendation against their inclusion by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), an advisory panel that assesses entries for special ecological zones. The ICUN concluded that the five states through which the...
More »"The politically incorrect need not be educationally inappropriate"- MSS pandian
The dissent note by a member of a government appointed committee reviewing textbooks of political science avers that the pedagogic intent and methods of the NCERT textbooks are sound and they encourage critical dialogue among learners. M.S.S. pandian (mathiaspandian57@gmail.com) is member, the NCERT Committee for Reviewing the Textbooks of Social Science/Political Science and teaches history at the Centre for Historical Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. It...
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